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Why aren't I happy?

A question I can't help but ask myself everyday since 2019 came into existance. Why aren't I happy? Let me think for a second about what kind of life I actually have... I live in a two bedroom apartment, far nicer than I ever expected my first place to be. It's modern, minimalist, tidy, cosy and spacious. I have a boyfriend, I'm in my longest relationship ever, two years and counting. He loves me. He's tidy, he cleans, he cooks (almost every meal), he dotes, he pays (his share). He has made all of what I'm living right now possible, and that's a pretty good deal. I have a job, it pays the rent and the bills. I can eat a good diet, I can even afford takeaways. I'm saving, we're saving. For a house, a home, for the future and for a family. I'm on my second career now. My first, I'd class as a success but I couldn't see it working out with my future goals. So I started again. I'm doing an apprenticeship at an agency where I ca...

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